Brandi Van Releases New Online Training Program to Help People to Tap Into Their Spiritual Gifts

June 08 16:54 2023

Philadelphia, PA, USA – June 8, 2023 – “Developing your psychic abilities really needs to be experienced, not thought about or theorized,” said Spiritual Medium, Brandi Van. Van is launching a brand new mentorship program called Jump Start Your Psychic Abilities to help others do just that. Van has redeveloped her private training into a new 12-week online program that includes group coaching, mentorship, and online training sessions.

“I’ve had clients who went through my Jump Start Your Psychic Abilities Mentorship Program who knew they had some sort of psychic ability but didn’t know what path to get started on to develop them, and then by the end of my program, they’re able to connect and communicate with Spirit, help others, and receive messages for their higher purpose,” says Van. “It’s always amazing for me to witness this transformation!”

In 90-days, the unique program will help you to:

• Open your Third Eye Chakra

• Clarify which psychic gifts you have

• Develop your clair senses

• Release your ego to be able to receive messages from Spirit

• Protect, cleanse, and restore your energy

• Open your mind with grounding, journaling, meditation, and visualizations

• Cleanse and balance your chakra energy system

• Connect with your Spirit Guides and Higher Self

• Set intentions and manifest your goals for your Higher Purpose

• Learn how to do Automatic Writing

• Set boundaries with Spirit

• Raise your vibration for optimal connection with Spirit

• And so much more!

“In my mentorship program, I’ll teach you how meditation, grounding, and taking control of your psychic senses can enrich you with positivity, mindfulness, and ease,” added Van. “If I was able to make this change when I felt I was going to be stuck forever, you will absolutely be able to transform yourself if you’re feeling this way too. I am so excited to get you started on your journey of living in this peaceful, helpful, healing way!”

The program is now open, and those who are interested can sign up at

About Brandi Van

Brandi Van is a Spiritual Medium & Psychic Mentor who helps people discover their unique psychic gifts so they can experience an abundance of peace and find their Higher Purpose. Through coaching and speaking, Brandi helps people discover their psychic abilities so they can realize we are all connected here on Earth and that we all have a higher meaning than ourselves.

Brandi has made it her mission to help others to discover their abilities so they can fulfill their higher purpose, live with intention in their interactions, and listen to their intuition. She truly believes this is why she is here on earth; to help people who are feeling lost with their abilities and who need a mentor to show them the path to go on. Brandi says it’s important to know that “Developing your psychic abilities really needs to be experienced, not thought about or theorized.”

Brandi has a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences Degree in Communications/Journalism. Her ancestral line is full of psychics and mediums. She’s had psychic abilities since she was very young and has been doing mediumship readings for several years. She is ecstatic to help people on their journey to find and use their gifts.

To learn more about Brandi, visit her online at

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